People are starting to look around and say where’s that additional supply going to come from?” said Eli Rubin, senior energy ...
The British energy company is planning to invest heavily in liquefied natural gas even as its oil production stays flat ...
After a string of discouraging rulings for other cities, a court upheld NYC's efforts to decarbonize its buildings.
There is something positive for every type of energy in the International Energy Agency's latest global review, but the ...
The natural gas market gave up early gains in the Tuesday session, as early trading continues to see a lot of resistance near the crucial $4 level. This is a market that is cyclical, and I think this ...
“The United States has a comparative advantage over many countries in terms of our abundant supplies of natural gas,” said Ed ...
U.S. natural gas futures dropped about 6% to a two-week low on Thursday on a surprise storage build and forecasts for milder ...
Money managers slashed bullish bets on natural gas by the most in a year as mild forecasts threaten to deplete demand for the ...
Backers of Initiative 2066, which protects natural gas as an energy choice in Washington state, say they will take their case ...
The study builds on a small body of previous research, but Colorado’s oil and gas industry strongly disputes the findings.
Reps. Tom Craddick and Brooks Landgraf want to divert 10% of taxes collected on oil and gas production to help ...