South African sculptor and painter James Delaney wants to encourage people in Johannesburg to engage with parks through ...
In this video, you get a glimpse of the aftermath of a heavy hailstorm in Johannesburg, Gauteng. The intensity of the hail is ...
Eskom's planned maintenance will result in a nine-hour power outage in parts of Johannesburg on Monday and Tuesday.
Ongoing elevator breakdowns at the Johannesburg Deeds Office leaves property registrations in disarray, with no resolution in sight.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed disappointment in the state of Johannesburg and Gauteng as a whole, but citizens are ...
Keep yourself and your vehicle safe with these must-know safety measures to prevent hijacking in Johannesburg.
President Cyril Ramaphosa expresses deep concern over Johannesburg's deterioration, describing his emotional journey through ...
It is obvious PRASA was not prepared for this journey” says frustrated commuter after long-distance train breaks down several ...
President Ramaphosa unveils an urgent intervention plan for Johannesburg, establishing a dedicated Presidential Working Group ...
A young man showed off his brand new first apartment in Sandton, Johannesburg, in a video. People in South Africa wished him ...
The newly appointed Archbishop of Johannesburg, Cardinal Stephen Brislin, led a prayer service on Sunday attended by numerous ...
Nearly two decades and billions of rands since Johannesburg initiated its Bus Rapid Transport system, much remains incomplete ...