After three weeks of negotiations that Premier Giorgia Meloni called “diplomatic triangulation”, Ms Sala went home and Mr Abedini returned to Iran. The journalist with the Chora Media podcast platform ...
After three weeks of negotiations that Premier Giorgia Meloni called “diplomatic triangulation,” Sala went home and Abedini returned to Iran. Sala, a journalist with the Chora Media podcast platform ...
Meloni sotto inchiesta e presunto ricatto iraniano: Andrea Scanzi rilancia accuse esplosive, tra propaganda e “narrazione ...
By Emma Bubola Giorgia Meloni, the Italian prime minister ... after Elon Musk met with an Iranian ambassador, officials in Iran said. So was an Iranian detained in Italy who was wanted by the ...
Non tutte le donne leader hanno optato per un approccio simile. È impossibile non ricordare il gesto emblematico di Emma ...
Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni says that Rome prosecutors have opened an investigation against her and two government ...
Elisabetta Vernoni, mother of Cecilia Sala an Italian journalist who was detained on Dec. 19 as she was reporting in Iran, leaves Palazzo Chigi after meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni ...
Giorgia Meloni senza velo in Arabia Saudita all'incontro con il principe Bin Salman: la differenza con le esponenti di ...
Ultime notizie, ultim'ora oggi: le parole del presidente del consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, in merito all'indagine nei suoi ...
It was clear from Trump’s first day back in power that his view of who is an “ally” has shifted. In Europe, only one European ...
Lo scontro, in diretta a Otto e mezzo, tra Andrea Scanzi e Mario Sechi sulla gestione di Meloni del caso Cecilia Sala ...