A right-leaning online publication had posted the birth dates and home addresses of Illinois registered voters.
A right-leaning online publication had postedthe birth dates and home addresses of hundreds of thousands of Illinois ...
Raoul said his best lawyers are strained with a limited budget but will continue their legal actions against the Trump ...
Trade groups, citing federal banking conflicts, are asking for summary judgment to permanently block a state law banning ...
Attorneys general filed an amicus brief to maintain the NLRB's quorum, opposing Trump's bid to unseat member Gwynne Wilcox.
Illinois eyes taxing drivers by the mile rather than by the gallon of gas- “Under proposed legislation, Illinois would explore the ...
CHICAGO - In recognition of Sunshine Week, Attorney General Kwame Raoul released the Public Access Counselor Annual Report with details of a sampling o ...
Ex-state employee Ravonn Hankins pleaded guilty to PPP loan fraud and received probation and community service.
Trans people across the country, from teens to retirees, are eyeing moves to Illinois in the wake of anti-trans executive ...
CHICAGO - Attorney General Kwame Raoul, as part of a coalition of 20 attorneys general, is seeking a temporary restraining ...