A "blood moon" lunar eclipse will be visible in Beaver County and across North America in the early hours of March 14. The eclipse will begin around 1:47 a.m. and reach its peak at 2:59 a.m., with ...
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., Jan. 4. -- The hull of the boat Eclipse, of which "Pirate King" Strang of Beaver Island was Captain half a century ago, has been found, and Judge Joseph H. Steere ...
DODGE COUNTY (WLUK) -- The Dodge County Sheriff's Office is urging the public to "use caution" after multiple ice breaks were reported on Beaver Dam Lake over the past 24-hour period. According to ...
Weather forecast are hopeful for local communities, but some people may experience cloud cover during the lunar eclipse.
Three snowmobiles broke through the ice within a 24-hour period at Beaver Dam Lake. The Dodge County Sheriff's Office is urging caution. Officials have identified an area north-northeast of ...
GREENE COUNTY, Ind. — A man died after falling through the ice on Beaver Dam Lake in Greene County on Saturday. Per a release, the Greene County Sheriff’s Office received a report that ...