After Alfred, Anglo-Saxon kings took the Danelaw territories back from the Vikings. Alfred's grandson, Athelstan, pushed English power north as far as Scotland and was the first king to claim to ...
In 927, Athelstan became the first king to rule over all of England — and it hadn't been an easy journey. Though he was the ...
"I turned it over and wiped my thumb across it and I saw the Saltire-type of design and I knew instantly it was Viking." [SPACE] In 2014, a bit of silver in a Scottish field caught the eye of amateur ...
The Galloway Hoard, discovered in 2014, has been the subject of mystery with theories suggesting it was likely buried by four prosperous owners based on arm rings inscribed with Anglo-Saxon runes.
In 1066, the invasion of William the Conqueror introduced Norman French to England when it became the language of the ruling ...
Examining the artifacts, they concluded that the settlement was not Viking, as first assumed, but Anglo-Saxon. The significance of Sutton Hoo was instantly recognized. The largest Anglo-Saxon ship ...
After Alfred, Anglo-Saxon kings took the Danelaw territories back from the Vikings. Alfred's grandson, Athelstan, pushed English power north as far as Scotland and was the first king to claim to ...