A small Wyoming town and two fathers are grappling with grief and anger after a woman struggling with her mental health ...
A mother killed three of her young daughters. Her devastated husband blames PTSD: She ‘loved those kids’ - Cliff Harshman ...
Police in Wyoming suspect a mother shot her four daughters, killing three of them, before calling a 911 dispatcher and then ...
The Wyoming woman who shot her four daughters then herself Monday suffered from depression and other struggles, her husband ...
A Wyoming mother allegedly called 911 to confess that she’d shot her four daughters, and was planning to do the same to ...
Two Wyoming fathers are trying to process the unimaginable after their children were shot and killed inside their home on ...
The father of the only survivor of a Monday murder-suicide that claimed the lives of three girls and their mother says 7-year ...
The Byron, Wyoming, mother who apparently shot her four daughters Monday afternoon had called 911 afterward, telling ...
A Wyoming mother and three of her four daughters are dead -- after the woman called the Sheriff and reported her kids had ...
If you're experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is there to support ...